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 Helping professionals and students achieve their American Dream

Desert Road

Which Program is for you?


Healthcare Professionals

The United States is experiencing a shortage of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and emergency medical technicians.  If you are a licensed healthcare professional, contact us to learn more about working in the United States. 


Skilled Professions 

The United States has a history of immigrants making great achievements.  If you are a researcher, teacher, lawyer, accountant or another professional. Become licensed in the US and use your skills to achieve YOUR American Dream. 

Temporary Workers

There are many options to work in the United States.  Many people want to work in the USA for a short period of time and live elsewhere for the remaining part of the year.  If this is you, we have positions available in warehouse inventory management, construction, factory and other temporary positions. 


Graduate & Undergraduate study

Achieve your potential with a graduate or undergraduate degree from a US Institution.  Our education consultants specialize in helping you find the academic program that will allow you to achieve your dreams.  We offer assistance through the admissions process to helping you find a job post graduation. 


Employers interested in hiring a foreign national:

Hiring foreign nationals can be expensive and complicated.  We take those concerns out of the equation so you can focus on running your business.  We offer free consultations to employers interested in hiring foreign nationals.

Over 20 years of US Immigration Law Experience

Offices in Colombia, India, Dubai, and Mexico | Headquarters in the United States
Organization Professional Memberships
  • Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Commerce & CREDC
  • Independent Education Consultant Association
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